sábado, 25 de julho de 2009


There was a little kid. She was running in circles, and circles, looking up to the stars, looking for the magic of the night. Someone called her. She could listen that. But she looked back for a minute, and then started running again. A certain strength was in her body, twisting her and wanting her to give her best. The trees didn’t stop for a second. The air was more than pure. It was cold and had something that it had never had. The sun was about to rise and the clouds kept on hiding into the north. She stopped, and looked at the horizon. The desert was clean, was soft and had a beautiful serene welcoming. She opened her hand, and touched the particles of dust, that were dancing through her. Her hair was bouncing around, like little ants, gathering around when food is found. She smiled. Everyone smiled at that second. She was life, and all that lived at that second could feel her. It was a certain smile, a good feeling, without explanation. At that second, everyone at the whole wild world, stopped, and looked at the sky. But they didn’t know they were looking into the sky, they just did. Everything stopped. It was the sun. It was rising, up in the skies! The glorious sun, that was the reason why everyone was breathing. She child stopped smiling, and looked at the ground. Serpentines and little colored paper were everywhere. Balloons and confetti’s, yes. A unique party, welcoming the sun, with the calm beauty of the desert. Of the human desert. No ice cream could survive there, it was hotter than inside a bed at the middle of the summer. She closed her eyes, and everyone followed her. Imagine, every single person, with their little eyes closed. No one was being watched, or watching whatsoever. And at that precise moment, a new life came upon death. The screaming and shouting were there. As well as the chaos. New serpentines and little colored paper were falling from gods hands. How they were generous! Thank you, thank you! Everyone just kept repeating. Thank you! And zas zas zas, every second a new life came, and came. Just like lightening, submerse into a bucket, so tight that the sound couldn’t be compared to the real sound. Everyone opened their eyes, and started dancing with each other, just like that movie, from perfume. That beautiful movie. The essence was there. Beauty everywhere, in every single molecule, atom. The smells where indescribable! And so, the humans were born.

domingo, 19 de julho de 2009

domingo, 12 de julho de 2009

Rainbowish Tales of the awkard and random journeys - Part 13

Estava constatado que este redutor gaiato de duende viria a ter um lugar bastante preponderante nesta encruzilhada que é a minha fugaz e obstinada aventura.
Este mesmo fantasioso ser não tinha desaparecido simplesmente, mas sim teletransportou-se para uma dimensão extra-planetária não localizável à partida.
Acordei, e de pacote de rebuçados apastigados de sabor a maça de cogumelos de morango e chantilly azuis na mão, não retrocedi pensares, e tomei desde logo um desses mesmos deleitos açucarados divinais. De repente, e como de um efeito extra-sensorial se tratasse, todo o meu corpo revestiu-se de um “manto” de calafrios repentino, seguido de uma drástica redução do tamanho do meu corpo até a um ponto microscópico. Logo de seguida, inesperadamente, fui sucumbido pelo enorme poder de sucção de um aspirador situado mesmo por baixo da minha cama (que teria sido presumivelmente deixado em lugar estratégico por este aparente maléfico pigmeu fantasioso).
Fui então sugado para dentro do cano do aspirador. Fungos, partículas de bolor, de pó e pulgas eram agora os meus companheiros nesta viagem alucinante. Imaginem-se a andar num parque aquático. Agora imaginem que alguém trocou a canalização de água dos escorregas por canalização de esgoto, pronto, esse era eu! Sendo puxado por este aparente infinito túnel de alarvidades cheguei a um patamar final onde me deparei com uma barreira liquida feita de um composto de ácido sulfúrico, soda cáustica e corantes coloridos. Era certo e sabido que um trespasse deste obstáculo igualava um trespasse para a santa vida por isso mesmo, nesse mesmo momento, não percebendo muito bem porquê, decido sacar da minha bisnaga e esguichar o que quer que esta mesmo tivesse! De repente, as esperanças continuavam vivas pois tinha destroçado esta barreira e superado este obstáculo.
Posteriormente algo surreal tomou lugar, um clarão ofuscante emergira diante dos meus olhos, era certo agora que tinha entrado numa dimensão que ecoava toda e qualquer voz, ou seja, uma realidade paralela, elaaa, elaaa…
